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We are in March already. Can you believe it?! January the 1st doesn’t feel too long ago. A new year is an opportunity for us to work towards a better version of ourselves. As they say – “new year, new me”. But how much do we really change in one day? And how many of the resolutions that we set are actually what we want, and how many are what we think we should want based on what society tells us?

I truly believe that so many people fail with their new year’s resolutions because of three factors.

  1. They don’t genuinely want to change the thing they’re trying to change
  2. They make no effort to plan the change and just expect habits to shift overnight.
  3. They try to change everything in one go

So how do we set resolutions that stick?

Choose a meaningful change

Who do you really want to become? Why is making this change important to you?

What’s the cost of not making this change? Are you making this change for you, or someone else?

These are all questions you should ask yourself before committing to making changes to your life, what you do or your daily habits.

I’ve found in my clients that when we get clear on the things that are important, the things we need to change become clearer and sticking to them becomes easier. This goes for things like fat loss, starting healthy morning habits or having better relationships by improving communication.

Make small changes for long lasting results

Changing your entire life at once is a sure fire way to change nothing. The brain and body have become so accustomed to the things you’ve been doing for years that making sudden and huge changes takes you too far out of your comfort zone and you’ll do anything to get comfortable again. This is why most of the contestants on the biggest loser end up putting even more weight back on when they return to their normal lives.

I’m going to stick with the weight loss example here.

Instead of going from no exercise, fast food everyday and fizzy soda instead of water to greek adonis/goddess overnight, start with drinking diet soda, and 1 glass of water a day. Then introduce an extra 10 minute walk a day. Then it’s just a matter of making slow incremental changes that alter your habits so slowly your nervous system doesn’t have a chance to freak out.

Have an accountability buddy/tool

I find this to be the most effective tool to use to stick to new habits you’re trying to create, and this is why I mostly have a job as a personal trainer. To keep people accountable.

It’s a lot harder to cheat yourself on the diet, or skipping the gym, or taking the $20 from your savings account when you know there is going to be someone checking in on you every day, week or month. When you have to look into the eye of someone you made a promise to and be honest with them about something, it can be hugely disappointing for yourself.

A habit tracker is also a great way to keep the habits you want to implement top of mind. Being able to tick off a habit at the end of everyday is super satisfying, and when you “forget” to do something, and you have to draw a cross instead of a tick, it can be super motivating for the next day.

Don’t wait for the new year

As a society, we have developed this idea of a new year being a time to make a fresh start. But what about each new day? If the thing you’re wanting to change in the new year is truly important to you, why wait till the new year?

It’ll take the same amount of will power to change a habit or behaviour now as January the first. The benefit you have now is that you’re thinking about it and probably have some momentum. Getting started is always the harder part, but once you have that momentum it just gets easier and easier. It’s why it’s so important to take action when you get the idea or urge to do something.

There’s a chinese proverb that says “the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago,the second best time is today”.

So start making changes today.


Written by Luke Smith, Life Coach

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